Racks and Data Cabling
Data Cabling is the transport for all the data on your network. The need for a reliable network is more important than ever with the ever increasing amounts of data being produced and accessed.
Contact West Coast IT for more information about how our Racks and Data Cabling solutions can help your business.
Structured Wiring
A well organised and implemented network allows your business to grow and adapt quickly with changes in your business and new technologies. Passing off this critical network design step to a general contractor often results in a poorly performing, unscaleable network, for the same price as if it was done correctly the first time.
West Coast IT‘s services include a fully staffed voice and data network cable contracting department. Our experienced techs can install and certify your cabling project as a one off, or part of your managed IT services.
When making such an important investment in your network, it makes sense to have trusted IT technicians design, implement and guarantee your network.
Equipment Racks and Rooms
Although the cloud is rapidly replacing most on-premesis hardware, sometimes it is still most cost effective to have data racks and rooms on premises. Our experience with all hardware, cable management, power and environmental requirements allows us to design and custom build equipment rooms to best suit your business.
If you need assistance with your racks and data cabling in [primary-business-area] – West Coast IT can help.